AAS-All American selection winner
QUACK QUACK! There’s a new Marigold on the pond
Marigold Big Duck Gold was crowned a 2019 AAS winner.
The First Marigold F1 Winner for 8 years.
“Marigold-Big Duck” Gold Bred by
AmeriSeed under Tropical High Heat and Humidity in Thailand.
Comments from AAS Judges :-
- “In the garden, this entry outshow all three of its competitors and I feel it should be an award winner.”
- “At the end of the season, the entry is the only one standing! The comparisons have all flowered out, or died!”
- “Entry plants were still producing an excellent display of flowers long after the comparisons were showing reduced flower production and more spent blooms.”
- “Entry is taller than the more compact comparisons, has a large flower head and outlived all the comparisons.”
- “At the end of the season, most of the comparisons died but the entry is still doing great overall, is much taller and fuller, with more and bigger flowers.”
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